Seitdem im Frühjahr 2020 das kulturelle Leben zu einem totalen Stillstand kam, sich die Bildhauerin und der Fotograf aufs Fahrrad setzten und sämtliche Berliner Kinos fotografisch festgehalten haben, ist viel Zeit ins Land gegangen und viel Neues ist entstanden: Buch, Ausstellungen und Filme.


Dhow – a Photographer`s Journey
After a short introduction of the work of Beat Presser a voice from the off asks Mr. Beat if the film Fitzcarraldo by Werner Herzog was his most dangerous expedition to the world of Movie Making? The given answer is unexpected and from there on the two filmmakers Beat Presser and Danit take the audience to a journey that has its roots thousands of years ago. When the ultimate mean of transportation from place to place and from continent to continent was the sailing ship. The trade winds made it possible and seafarers took the risk to cross the Indian Ocean and discovered places like Madagascar some 2000 years ago. Also another look at the Somali pirates and many more aspects of the Dhow Culture have place in this fascinating and unusual documentary. And last but not least the spectator travels from island to island with the Dhow Makida and witnesses Mr. Beats photo exhibition “Kusi na Kazkasi”.

FILM – KINO UND FILM in Zeiten einer Pandemie